Hi, I'm Stiéphen!
I started my PhD in October 2022 under Nicolai Kraus' supervision and assisted by Tom de Jong, at the FP Lab (University of Nottingham), working mainly on Higher Categories and Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT). I grew up in Toulouse, studied at Sorbonne University, Jussieu campus, in Paris (also known as UPMC or Paris VI) and now live in Nottingham.
I graduated in 2021 with a master's degree in Pure Mathematics at Sorbonne University (UPMC) with a specialisation in Homotopy and Higher Category Theory. I did my master's thesis under Clemens Berger's supervision on "Grothendieck's test category theory and the Dendroidal category".
Afterwards, since I got captivated by links and connections between Algebraic Topology and Type Theory during a master's course taught by Pierre-Louis Curien, I spent some time learning about HoTT.
Before that, although I started my studies in Physics and Engineering (2013-2017), I switched to devote myself to mathematics by doing a bachelor's degree in Intensive Mathematics at the same university (2017-2019).
I will be giving a speed talk at [YaMCATS 36] (24th January 2025, Leeds, UK), see Talks.
I gave a talk at the [Categorical Logic and Higher Categories workshop] (16-19th December 2024, Manchester, UK), see Talks.
I attended the conference on a [Contemporary glimpses on Grothendieck’s mathematics post-IHES] (4-6th December 2024, Toulouse, France)
I gave a talk at [PSSL 109th] (15-17th November 2024, Leiden, Netherlands) about "A study of Kock's fat Delta", see Talks.
I gave a talk at TYPES 2023 on "[Categories as Semicategories with identities]", see Talks.
Since October 2023, I co-organise the weekly local [FP Lunch] seminar with Johannes Schipp von Branitz.